Email: zurrian(at)famaf(dot)unc(dot)edu(dot)ar

Ignacio Nahuel Zurrián


CONICET researcher and professor at

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.





Casper, W.R., Grünbaum, F.A., Yakimov, M., Zurrián, I.

Reflective prolate-spheroidal operators and the KP/KdV equations

(2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116. 201906098. 10.1073/pnas.1906098116.


Calderón, C., González, Y., Pacharoni, I., Simondi, S., Zurrián, I.

2x2 hypergeometric operators with diagonal eigenvalues

(2019) Journal of Approximation Theory, Volume 248,


Grünbaum, F.A., Pacharoni, I., Zurrian, I.

Bispectrality and Time-Band-Limiting: Matrix valued polynomials

(2018) International Mathematics Research Notices, rny140,


van Diejen, J.F., Emsiz, E., Zurrián, I.

Completeness of the Bethe Ansatz for an Open q -Boson System with Integrable Boundary


(2018) Annales Henri Poincare, 19 (5), pp. 1349-1384.


Tirao, J., Zurrián, I.

Reducibility of matrix weights

(2018) Ramanujan Journal, 45 (2), pp. 349-374.


Castro, M., Grünbaum, F.A., Pacharoni, I., Zurrián, I.

A further look at time-and-band limiting for matrix orthogonal polynomials

(2018) Frontiers In Orthogonal Polynomials and Q-series, 1, pp. 138-153.


Zurrián, I.

The Algebra of differential operators for a matrix weight: An ultraspherical example

(2017) International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017 (8), pp. 2402-2430.


Grünbaum, F.A., Pacharoni, I., Zurrian, I.

Time and band limiting for matrix valued functions: An integral and a commuting differential operator

(2017) Inverse Problems, 33 (2), art. no. 025005.


Pacharoni, I., Zurrián, I.

Matrix Gegenbauer Polynomials: The 2 × 2 Fundamental Cases

(2016) Constructive Approximation, 43 (2), pp. 253-271.


Grünbaum, F.A., Pacharoni, I., Zurrián, I.N.

Time and band limiting for matrix valued functions, an example

(2015) Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 11, art. no. 044,

14 p.


Tirao, J.A., Zurrián, I.

Spherical functions of fundamental K-types associated with the n-dimensional sphere

(2014) Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA), 10, art. no. 071, .


Pacharoni, I., Tirao, J., Zurrián, I.

Spherical functions associated with the three-dimensional sphere

(2014) Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 193 (6), pp. 1727-1778.


Tirao, J., Zurrián, I.

Spherical functions: The spheres versus the projective spaces

(2014) Journal of Lie Theory, 24 (1), pp. 147-157.






With the Oberwolfach football team.