Scientific works


Loschmidt echo as a robust decoherence quantifier for many-body systems
Pablo R. Zangara, Axel D. Dente, Patricia R. Levstein, Horacio M. Pastawski
Phys. Rev. A 86, 012322 (2012)PRA.


Non-Markovian decay and dynamics of decoherence in private and public environments
Axel D. Dente, Pablo R. Zangara, Horacio M. Pastawski
Phys. Rev. A 84, 042104 (2011)PRA.

Boosting quantum evolutions using Trotter-Suzuki algorithms on GPUs
Carlos S. Bederián and Axel D. Dente
Anales de las 40 JAIIO ISSN 1850-2776, 63-75 (2011)LINK.


Dynamical regimes of a quantum swap gate beyond the Fermi Golden Rule
Axel D. Dente, Raúl A. Bustos-Marún, Horacio M. Pastawski
Phys. Rev. A 78, 062116 (2008)arXiv:0810.1043.