Directions, map

There will be buses form the Airport of Porto Alegre to the Pousada Marista in Santa Maria and back, according to the timetable below.

19/03 - 18:00 hs., van from Porto Alegre to Santa Maria
20/03- 9:00 hs., bus from Porto Alegre to Santa Maria
24/03-15:00 hs., bus from Santa Maria to Porto Alegre
25/02- 9:00 hs., van from Santa Maria to Porto Alegre

Please send a message with the following information to Daiana Flores flores(-at)

What bus would you take;
Arrival time and number (including company) of your flight to Porto Alegre;
Complete name;
ID (e.g. passport).

Please notice that due to regulations of the University, the driver would not allow to take the bus to anybody that is not registered, this is why we bother you asking this information.
There is also possible to catch a bus from a private company, for further information you can look into the following link.